With the school year starting up again, your whole family is probably on the go a lot more often. Having a “snack station” set up at your home will help everyone stay happy and fed during busy times. Here’s how to set one up!
1. Start with organization
To keep your kitchen clean and free of clutter, you’re going to want some containers to hold your selection of snacks. Baskets and bins work perfectly, or you could use something as simple as a shoebox.
2. Stock up on pantry staples
Now comes the fun part: filling your snack station! Your children will appreciate a variety of snacks to choose from. Visit our store to pick up your children’s favorite snacks, like pretzels, crackers, and granola bars. You can also find healthier options at our store, like baked potato chips or roasted nuts.
3. Find some fridge favorites
In truth, your snack station will be split in two: shelf-stable snacks will be in your pantry and perishable snacks will be in the fridge. Add cheese sticks, yogurts, and (our personal favorites!) fresh fruits and veggies to your grocery list to round out your snack selection.
4. Pre-portion everything
Your little ones will need help knowing how big of a snack to get. Sandwich-sized plastic baggies are perfect for this (bonus: you can reuse the bags that hold dry snacks like pretzels). You can also keep an eye out for snacks that already come individually portioned (we’ve got plenty of options at our store!). You may be worried about sliced and portioned fruits and veggies going brown, but brushing them with a bit of lemon juice should help.
5. Consider the kids
The whole point of a snack station is so your children don’t have to come running to you every time they get a little bit hungry. Make it easy on your kids by having the containers full of snacks on an easy-to-reach shelf in the pantry and fridge. Also, consider implementing a snack station limit (like everyone gets a maximum of two snacks a day), so your children don’t go overboard.
6. Keep your snack station well-stocked
There’s nothing more disappointing than reaching for your favorite snack, only to find you’ve run out! Keep a small notebook in your pantry or on your fridge so you can write down the food items you’ll soon need.
Are you ready to build your very own snack station? We promise the whole family will love it. Visit our store to stock up on the essentials today!